Organizing a conference involves a large logistics effort which often seems to demand all the capacity of an organization. The goal of our work is to allow the organizers of scientific and academic events to focus entirely on the contents of their event, leaving all of the logistics details to us.
Our services include:Venue Scouting - After the right location has been chosen, SCITEVENTS will help you find the best venue for your event, according to your budget and needs and relying on our experience in over 13 cities worldwide.
Conference Site Contract - SCITEVENTS will support you when negotiating your site contract or, if you so wish, take over the entire process for you. Our services also include coordinating and securing all the audiovisual equipment for Delegates and Exhibitors, signage included.
On Site Setup and Technical Support - SCITEVENTS will take care of all of the setup and tear-down at the venue. Our team will arrive several days in advance and make sure that all the rooms and technical facilities are working properly, pack conference bags, display other materials and coordinate any other needed structures, be it exhibition grounds, areas dedicated to poster sessions or common social areas.
Food and Beverage - SCITEVENTS will make sure that all your F&B needs are taken care of, be it the simplest of coffee breaks, or the most challenging lunch for different cultures, ethnicities and dietary requirements. Our multi-skilled team will negotiate what is best for you, from the conception of the menus to the on-site quality control.
Social Events - Social Events and networking opportunities are at least as important for conference attendees' as the conference program and speakers, as they allow participants to expand their professional network and discuss their work. SCITEVENTS will suggest times and menus for different break options and scout venues and entertainment options for dinners and galas that reflect the philosophy of your event and its audience.
Further services - Check out how we can help you with the Event Logistics, the Event Communication and the Secretariat and Delegate Support.
Angers, France
To request a tailor-made proposal for your event or to suggest an event you would like to organize with our cooperation, please send us an email with a detailed description of your project and a contact detail we can contact you at.